"Everyone is a leader!"
Henry Kimsey-House, CEO CTI (the coaches and training institute)
“Being a leader is not a matter of choice, … your only choice is what kind of leader you will be… CHOOSE WELL!”

What you can expect
The Horseman Leadership Program offers a special and unique experience as it is based on the interaction between humans and horses. Horses respond to non-verbal communication and reflect the behavior, emotions and authenticity of humans. This results in immediate, unfiltered feedback about your own leadership behavior.
The experience is particularly characterized by the following aspects:
Honest feedback: Horses react directly to body language, inner attitude and clarity. They cannot be impressed by words or status, but only by authentic behavior. This makes it clear to participants how their leadership affects others
Self-reflection:By working with horses, participants learn to recognize their own behavioral patterns and unconscious attitudes. The horse shows whether the leadership is clear, respectful and empathetic or whether there are uncertainties.
Trust and relationship:
Successful leadership with horses requires trust, respect and clear communication. These principles can be transferred to interpersonal leadership. Participants experience how they can build trust through empathy and respect -
Body language and presence:Horses react to the body language and inner attitude of humans. This makes it clear how important it is to consciously manage your own presence and charisma in order to be effective as a leader.
Stress management:By working with horses, participants learn to remain calm and focused, even in challenging situations. The training promotes the ability to act calmly and confidently in stressful situations.
This intensive, experience-oriented learning method leads to deep insights and lasting changes in one's own leadership behavior. The connection between humans and animals promotes authentic leadership and helps participants to improve their leadership skills.

The scales fell from my eyes
Experiences from Authentic Leadership training / coaching with horses
During a group exercise, the scales fell from my eyes. As the "leader", I pulled a horse by the harness in the direction I wanted to go - which was very exhausting in the long run. This physical (exertion) experience can be adapted 1:1 to my role as a supervisor. I'm usually the draft horse that has to pull everyone along - often with too much energy.
The other individual exercises showed me that you also have to “radiate and internalize” your leadership role. The animals sense this and buck or don't cooperate as soon as their actions don't match their inner convictions - immediately, directly and without embellishment.
The direct physical experience of this effect of me on the animals can be transferred almost 1:1 to my leadership role. I am able to implement the findings in my daily work, sometimes with impressive results. I can also apply this knowledge very well in my private life. I am very grateful to have had this experience.
Head of IH, oil refinery
The feedback was amazing
An exciting and entertaining day with unexpected results.
The feedback from the animals to the different people was amazing.
I have been using the experience I gained from the coaching on a daily basis ever since.
IH Engineer, oil refinery
I was able to recognize my moods again
I was amazed at the influence my inner attitude had on the horses' actions. I could recognize each of my moods in the horse's behaviour.
That was very fascinating.
Plant engineer, oil refinery
More feedback
- Heel veel dank ook aan Heidi en Mateo. Ik kan niet verwoorden wat zij hebben gedaan en betekend, maar het was enorm en zo belangrijk.
- Heidi en Mateo hebben er voor gezorgd dat ik me erg welkom voelde. Ze waren altijd aanwezig als je ze nodig had, maar nooit op de voorgrond. Ik heb ze ervaren als warme en vriendelijke persoonlijkheden, vol positieve energie. Het was bijzonder dat Heidi zo openhartig sprak over haar persoonlijke reis en ervaringen. Ik heb dit als inspirerend ervaren.
- De paarden op de Finca hebben mijn hart gestolen. Het Menorcaanse ras (sic) Mallorcaanse… :-) is stoer en integer tegelijk, vol energie en sensibiliteit. Ze lieten mij verschillende gezichten zien. Die van echte werkpaarden sterk, krachtig en uitgebalanceerd. Die van sierpaarden vol temperament, vuur en flaire. En die van coach, gevoelig, sociaal en betrouwbaar.

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